Wednesday, September 26, 2012

big news

As you all know we have been trying off and on to add to our family for about 2 years. After 2 losses I have been hesitant to get excited this time around, but as of today I have seen the baby's heartbeat twice now and I have made it further than I did with the 2 I lost so my hopes are officially up that this one will make it.

On August 20th I got a very faint positive test that I kept squinting at. It turns out I wasn't even quite 4 weeks yet so that explains why it was so faint. I thought I was further along. 


The next day I took a digital test to confirm it. 


I got in to see the doctor very quickly and it was too early to see much by ultrasound so we did some blood tests and they were all good. Then on September 7th I got to see my baby's heartbeat :) 124 bpm and the most beautiful thing. 

This is a photo of my growing belly at 8 weeks. I guess because it's my 5th pregnancy my body knows where we're headed and is just giving up now. 

And here is the baby today. He or she was wiggling around like crazy today and the heartbeat is up to 178 bpm. I was all prepared for the worst today and it was so amazing to see all is well. I probably still won't totally relax until I can feel the movements, but this was a huge relief. 


Nik said...

Congratulations!!!!! So very excited for you!

Heather Conway said...

Congratulations! :)

Unknown said...

Yay congrats!

Tina said...

Congrats!!! So happy for you all :)