They were so efficient! It took 6 hours to pack it all in boxes, label everything, and get it all on the truck.
They did have a little helper
and took some shortcuts
We are now truly living the minimalist lifestyle that I aspire to. Eric and I (and Emily for most of the night) are sharing an air mattress. Anika is in Emily's crib with the side rail off, and Emily has a pack n play. Thankfully, a couch, chair, kitchen table, and 3 chairs came with the house so we don't have to sit on the floor. We have one 4 serving dish set, silverware, a few basic utensils, and a pot, a pan, a cutting board. I should have kept my potato masher, but it turns out that a fork works just as well (a little harder on the wrist). The laptop is now our dvd player, music player, and computer. The girls love all the open space.
We now have until Monday to get this house spotless before the movers come for our unaccompanied baggage and we move into lodging on base. Eric took Anika this morning and they are trying to get the VW to pass inspection so it will sell. It should be easy for me to clean with just Emily, but she has discovered the joy of climbing so it's a struggle to keep her in one piece.
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