Anika woke up at 6 which is early for her. I guess there was too much going on. Eric's mom took her to another part of the house where she got dressed and they played for awhile until the bakery would open so they could shop for breakfast. As they were heading out the door a little before 8 I needed to push and my water broke. Eric ran downstairs, told them to wait a minute, ran back up and turned on the camera just in time to see Emily's head come out with my second push. I wasn't expecting things to go so quickly and I just kept saying "I can't stop". One more push and she was out. I was on my knees so I was looking down at her and said "It's a girl!". Anika and Cornelia came in as Elisabeth was giving Emily a rubdown with a towel and putting her in my arms. She was a lovely shade of purple, but that didn't last long. As soon as she was in my arms she opened her eyes to look at me. Elisabeth and Eric helped me to the bed where I just cuddled her for awhile before pushing the placenta out. Once that was done I rolled to my side and started nursing. She latched on right away and ate for what seemed like an hour, but was probably only 10 minutes or so.
After she ate she got weighed (8lbs 1oz) and measured (19 1/2 inches) and looked over. Then we dressed her and while she slept I showered, dressed, and ate some of the breakfast Anika and Cornelia had gone for. I was feeling great for having just given birth. There was no tearing, no heavy bleeding, and I am having a hard time taking it easy because I feel like my normal self.
Now little Emily is a week old. She is adored by all and her big sister is always kissing and bringing her things and so concerned when she cries. Ani is such a sweetheart. Emily's cord stump is off already so she's had her first bath and this weekend she had her first trip to the library and commissary. We took her out to see the snow this morning for a minute and she wasn't impressed. Now here are a few pictures of our sweet baby :)
What a precious birth story! She is so beautiful. I love all the photos.
I just love your birth story. The pictures are beautiful. You are all truly blessed =)
your story made my cry it was sooo beautiful! nothing can match a natural birth!! Emily is BEYOND beautiful. what a gorgeous baby!! im so glad everything went so well for you!!
You make it sound so easy! Thanks for sharing your story with me!
Wow. I am here from Dirty Diaper Laundry. I think it's so cool that you had your daughter on Feb. 9, my little girl was born Feb. 8, 2009 (on her Grandma's 50th Birthday). She was my first born and I labored for 42 hours with her. I had a planned homebirth, but ended up transfering for pitocin. :P However, I dream of having a second homebirth like yours! Thanks for sharing your story!
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