I am having some trouble believing that my daughter could be 5. Where did the time go?
Anika Mae was born on November 18th, 2006 at 4pm.
She was very quick to walk
and to swim
and she hasn't slowed down
Now she is 5. She loves to play outside and can usually be found digging in the dirt, kicking a ball, coloring with sidewalk chalk, riding her bicycle, or helping Papa in the garden. She is learning to read and is so excited when she can sound something out :) Papa is excited that she is interested in Lego now and they love to build together. In the last year she has enjoyed gymnastics, soccer, and swim lessons and done great in all of them. She is (usually) a great big sister and a very sweet little girl.
I asked her what kind of birthday party she wanted and she replied, "orange". So, an orange party it was :)
Here is a little montage I put together for the occasion.